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We Rise By Lifting Others

Everyone should play a part in the fight against the global pandemic, COVID-19. We should practice social distancing, stay home when sick, and wash our hands regularly. Right now, volunteers and donors have been seeking opportunities to make a difference within their communities. So, we have put together some simple ways that you can help!

Make a Donation

  • Boys and Girls Club of America: Raises funds to provide groceries to kids participating in its more than 2,500 clubs, plus virtual academic support such as digital activities and learning opportunities.

  • Feeding America: With a nationwide network of 200 food banks and 60,000 food pantries, donations to its COVID-19 response fund will help food banks across the country support the most vulnerable communities affected by the pandemic.

  • Restaurant Workers’ Community Foundation: Directs money to organizations leading on-the-ground efforts in the restaurant community. It will establish a relief fund for individual restaurant workers facing economic hardships or health crises as a direct result of COVID-19.

  • Donate Blood: With social distancing in effect, most blood drives, which are usually hosted at schools, college campuses, and workplaces, have been canceled. In the United States alone, as of March 18, nearly 4,500 drives have been canceled, resulting in a loss of more than 150,000 blood donations. Call 1-800-RED-CROSS to find a local donation site.

Volunteer Your Time

  • Meals on Wheels: Is in need of additional volunteers in order to continue to provide meals to seniors during the COVID-19 crisis. Check with your local Meals on Wheels provider to see what they need and ask how you can help.

  • Local Schools and Churches: Local schools and churches are working as drive-up locations to feed students, who would normally receive meals free of charge at school. Due to the impact of distance learning & COVID-19, they need volunteers to support these efforts.

  • Produce Homemade Mask: Facial coverings worn in public can reduce the spread of disease. By making facial coverings & promoting use among those around you, you can work to reduce the spread of COVID-19. Here is a link for a “No Sew” Face-mask:

  • Animal Shelter: Many local animal shelters have suspended their normal in person volunteer work and are now looking for temporary foster homes for many of their animals. If you are self-isolating, quarantined, or working from home, it is a great way to enjoy a little time with a furry friend.

Donate Goods & Supplies

  • The Salvation Army: Works to provide emergency support—including rent, utility, and food assistance—for people facing low wages and unemployment due to COVID-19. Donations help the Salvation Army meet increasing needs in the communities hit hardest by the pandemic.

  • Local Food Pantry: Many of your local food pantries are accepting goods and supplies to help the local members of your community as many are out of work and struggling in this time of need.

  • Feed the Children: Works with thousands of partner agencies across the country including food pantries, shelters, soup kitchens and churches.

  • Donate PPE’s To Healthcare Workers: Maybe you have gloves, surgical masks, or other forms of Personal Protective Equipment (PPEs) on hand or know someone who does, those supplies are desperately needed by healthcare workers. Please consider donating them to The Red Cross, or your local hospital.

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