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Halloween Driving Safety Tips

According to the American College of Emergency Physicians, there are twice as accidents involving vehicles and pedestrians, on Halloween Night than on any other single day of the year. This shouldn’t be surprising, given that this is the one day of the year where youngsters are out on the streets in masse, collecting goodies from all the neighborhood households.

That means anyone who happens to be out driving on the evening of October 31st would be well advised to use extra caution, so that trick-or-treaters can enjoy the holiday, and make it home safely. Here are some driving tips which should be kept in mind on Halloween night.

Safety tips for Halloween motorists

These are some of the things you should remember on Halloween night, so that you’re not involved in a tragic accident:

· Be extra careful at intersections and crosswalks.

· Have your headlights on at all times when you’re driving, because this makes you much more visible to youngsters.

· Keep your radio turned down, so you can hear what’s going on around you.

· Keep your driver’s side window rolled down, so you have a good look at pedestrian t traffic

· Use extra care when passing a vehicle that’s stopped on the street – it may be dropping off or picking up passengers.

· Definitely don’t be using your cellphone – the last thing you want is to be distracted when there are numerous young people abroad on the streets.

· When pulling into or out of driveways, make sure to look carefully behind you to ensure there are no children crossing.

· In residential neighborhoods, make sure to reduce your speed and be a little more observant.

· Don’t be looking through your kids’ trick-or-treat bags or baskets, searching for a particular treat – keep your attention on the road and on traffic.

· If you’re wearing a Halloween costume while driving, make sure there are no parts of it which interfere with your driving ability, including over-sized boots or footwear. Masks are especially dangerous, because they limit your field of vision, so masks should never be worn while driving.

· Make sure to look both ways when arriving at intersections, and keep an eye out for kids walking off sidewalks and porches.

· If it’s raining outside, be alert for the possibility of children running through the neighborhood to get to the shelter of the next house.

The basic point to keep in mind is that most children are not going to be as observant or as cautious as you are, so it’s important for you to take the lead and be as careful as possible on this special night for kids.

From All Of Us Here At CARite, We Wish Everyone A Fin And Safe Halloween!

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