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Visit Us at CARite for Used Cars You Can Count On!


here are any number of private sellers you could purchase a used car from, but if you do, you’ll be running the risk of buying someone else’s problems. You won’t get a warranty from a private seller, and that means there’s no guarantee whatsoever about the true condition of the vehicle you want to buy. Unless you know the person you’re buying from very well, and you can trust them to not sell you a lemon, you’re much better off buying from a dealer who specializes in well-conditioned used cars, a dealer like CARite.

Other issues with private sellers

Before you see the vehicle in person, you probably won’t be provided with many photos of the car, so it could be very easy to conceal a defect. Then if you do go ahead and buy the car and find that it has a significant problem – you will literally have no recourse. You’re stuck with the problem at that point. You can ask for your money back of course, but it will literally be up to the seller, and chances are that individual won’t be in the frame of mind to return your cash.

Haggling over the price is another issue you may run into with private sellers, because you will very likely want to pay less for the vehicle than the owner is asking. Private sellers are not usually inclined to sell their vehicles for less than they’re worth, so you can pretty much count on an asking price that’s excessive. That puts you in the position of having to haggle back and forth to try and reach some point of agreement, or you may just have to abandon the possibility altogether.

Buying at CARite

First of all, you can count on browsing through a collection of better-quality vehicles at CARite, because that’s the only kind we offer on our lots. We have achieved a reputation for selling quality vehicles over the years, because we just don’t deal in lemons or vehicles that don’t pass our strict quality standards. That means you can have peace of mind right off the bat, because you’ll be sure that any vehicle you purchase from us has passed stringent quality requirements, and it has been found to be in superior condition.

You’ll also have a much more enjoyable experience at CARite, because you won’t be forced to haggle the price down to something realistic – all our vehicles are priced to sell, even those in superb condition. You’ll be treated like a person with specific needs, rather than Customer #10,000, and you won’t be just another notch on the gunbelt of one of our salesmen. We treat everyone as though we are selling to our relatives, so you can count on being made to feel special.

We have shops all around the U.S., so just choose the one closest to you, and come visit us. We guarantee you will enjoy the experience, and that you will have a wide selection of top-quality used vehicles to choose from. Don’t go anywhere else until you’ve had the chance to see what we can do for you!

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