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Used Car Basics: The Best 4 Steps for a Proper Test Drive

Have you ever bought a used car and found that there were aspects you weren’t totally happy about because you didn’t pay close enough attention to them during your test drive? We’ve all been there but the best part about it is that it’s avoidable once your learned your lesson!

Test driving a used car is a necessity to make sure you’re getting your money’s worth, but there are more proper steps to take before you rush into making that appointment with your dealer. Before you head off to your dealership, take this list of our best kept test driving tips with you to always be two steps ahead of the game!

What to do BEFORE the Test Drive

You want to have some idea of your budget and what kind of car you can afford. To start, you’ll want to conduct some research into the used cars your local dealers have, and how they compare to any lifestyle or financial adjustments you’ll have to make. You’ll need to be honest with yourself about what you’re looking for and what you need daily, and then make a list of the best options that fit your criteria.

From there, you will want to start looking into lenders to ensure that you’ll have all your financial bases covered once you find the car you want. It’s vital that you know your current credit score and how much lenders will be willing to give you. By getting this information early, you’ll also be able to set up a proper down payment beforehand and can confidently negotiate if you have to.

The 4 Steps to Test Drive a Used Car

Take Time with the Interior Features

When you’re set to test drive a car, you should never just start off on the road without examining the interior features first. While you may be anxious to make your purchase, it’s more important that you’re comfortable with everything the vehicle will be coming with internally.

Once you step into the car and turn it on, you’ll want to take your time making sure everything works, such as air conditioning controls, power steering, automatic windows, and even the stereo system. Don’t be afraid to test out everything and ask the right questions if you do find an issue because your dealership might be able to repair it or guide you to someone else that will as part of your purchase.

Make the Car Comfortable for YOU

Since you’ll be the one primarily driving the car, you need to make sure that you can make the car fit you perfectly. This entails checking if the steering wheel can be smoothly changed into different positions, if your seat and easily move back and forth to accommodate your body, and that all of your mirrors are intact.

This is one of those steps that we really emphasize to our customers because if a car wasn’t comfortable for your test drive, it probably still won’t be comfortable once you get it home. We want you to be happy with your purchase from the start so don’t forget this major tip!

Drive the Car as you Normally Would

Just because you’re going for a test drive and haven’t purchased the car yet doesn’t mean to drive unrealistically! To really see how a used car’s performance compares to your driving, you will want to operate it as you would any other vehicle. That means, use your usual braking and acceleration rates, and don’t conduct turns differently than you would. You want get the most accurate performance comparison and the only way to do that is treat the new car as if it’s already yours.

Ask to Expand the Test Drive Route

Many times, a dealership will have a pre-planned route for you to test drive. They’ll usually be easy with minimal turns, smooth roads, and more. This makes your test drive experience easy while they can show off the great parts about the used car. To understand everything about how your potential new car runs, you will want to ask if you can test drive on a different route or even expand on the limits, they’ve already given you. Because the dealership wants to make sure you’re happy, they’ll more than likely comply!

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