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The Best and worst times to buy a car

We understand: when it’s time for you to buy a new car, there aren’t many things to stop you from heading to your local dealership as soon as possible. While it feels great knowing you can get a new vehicle whenever you want, it’s important to know that timing does matter with car buying. In fact, timing can affect how much you’ll pay overall for a car, the quality of it, and if you’re going to be missing out on any major deals or not. Here’s a look at some best and worst times of the year to go out and buy a new car.

Best Times

1. When Models are on the Way Out

Everyone loves the latest model of anything. That’s why when a new edition of a car comes in, dealers are eager to get the leftovers out of the way. This works to your benefit because if you watch the life cycle of the car you want, you’ll notice that the price will change with additional offers as its expiration date comes around. When you see it as its lowest price, you can jump at the deal.

2. At the End of the Month

Dealers have quotas they have to hit every month, so they will be more open to haggling and getting you the car they want as long as they can make the sale. Plan ahead so you’ll have some extra funds at the end of the month if you’re in the market for a new car and brush up on your negotiation skills. If you play your cards just right, you might be able to conserve some of the money you saved to put towards other bills or customizations for the car.

3. Black Friday

Just like with clothes and electronics, cars also have some major deals worth checking out on Black Friday. Since most people will be out shopping for Christmas presents, your local dealer will more than likely be empty, so they will want you to buy, no matter what circumstances, so they’ll be able to make a sale. Also, Black Friday marks the end of a model year, which means all kinds of cars will be priced down so take advantage before the crowds start coming back after their mall trips.

Worst Time

1. At the Beginning of a New Model Year

The sleek, newest edition of a car can be tempting, but you will want to see how much has really changed between that one, and its previous version. Many times, people will find not enough had been added to justify paying thousands more. Check out various websites to compare the editions of cars you’re wanting before you head to the dealer because you don’t want to get talked into something that is all flash, but the same old thing underneath.

2. Before a New Model has Been Reviewed

Reviews are extremely important to see any bugs or issues a new car model may have. You don’t want to get a lemon you can’t get rid of, so if you’re insisting on the freshest edition of a car, wait to see what others think about it first. You’ll want to check out every resource including bigger companies all the way down to independent reviewers (Youtube is a great source to watch how the car works along with the driver’s comments).

3. In the Spring

Spring is a time for change, and it seems like people get the new car itch around that time also. Car dealerships know that when the winter is over and people have some extra cash thanks to their tax refunds, they will more than likely spend on something extravagant – such as a car! Instead, you will want to be patient and save as much money as you can because the end of the year will come sooner than you think. Then, you’ll have all the best deals available to you while others had to pay full price plus some!

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