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Why Disinfection is Critical To Used Car Sales

How Used Cars Became Vehicles For Pathogens...

As we all descend into the new era of the health concerns circling around the COVID-19 pandemic, the question of used car sanitation has become an issue in the forefront once again. As Used Car Dealers become even more susceptible to the transmission of virus, what should they do next?

To understand the answer to this question, we must first look at why they are particularly vulnerable. Estimates state that roughly 30% of all used vehicles sold annually were once in circulation as rental vehicles. As today’s boundaries vanish and travel throughout the world has become commonplace for work and pleasure, so has the exponential rise of rental vehicles. As these vehicles age, a vast majority of them make it for sale on the lots of franchise and independent dealers alike.

Due to the high volume of persons passing through those given vehicles, it is more important than ever that they are sanitized prior to purchase. Cautious Buyers may even opt to seek out a dealer, who makes it apparent that these practices have been put into place.

As our country is making plans to open back up it will be imperative that we all do what we can to protect ourselves and our loved ones, even when driving in our own vehicles. Seeking out a dealer who makes sanitation of vehicles is more important than ever.

At CARite, it has, and will continue to be top priority to deliver Better Cars that are carefully inspected and prepared, with these new practices in place.

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