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Discover Why You Should not Negotiate on a Used Car

Negotiations are great but did you know they can actually decrease your chances of getting a great deal at a car dealership? By spending all your time trying to haggle, you’ll be missing out on what your car salesman can give you early on that will only save time and efforts on both sides. It’s important for you to get into the mindset of not negotiating with dealerships anymore so you can have the best experience possible once you’re ready to buy your next car!

4 Reasons Why you SHOULDN’T Negotiate on a Used Car

1. You May Not See the Flaws in Your Choices

When you’re given too many options, you can quickly become overwhelmed and potentially not see that every choice has flaws. This is especially relevant with used cars and negotiating. Customers who plan on haggling often give themselves too many dealerships to visit along with too many vehicle options, which can lead them to missing vital parts of their deals that can affect their budgets and even future with a car.

2. You’ll Waste Time

We’ve all heard of cases in the past where negotiation processes took more than a few hours. For some, negotiations took at least 8 hours, if not more. This means people were willing to spend entire days trying to negotiate their car prices and how many of them ended up settling for a deal that was less than great?

Car salesmen know all the sales tactics, which means they know if you get tired enough while negotiating, you’ll eventually choose whatever deal they give you just to be able to sign your papers and go. Instead of falling into the trap, do your research early and know the prices ranges of cars you’re interested in and can afford without negotiating. This will only save everyone’s time all around!

3. Many Dealers Offer Fixed Pricing

There are now many used car dealerships that offer fixed pricing, which means no haggling will be required from you and you’ll get a straightforward price that won’t leave you with questions. The only major aspects that will still need to be discussed are loans, financing plans, etc. but if you get the car’s cost out of the way early, dealing with these will be much easier and you’ll be out the door in your new car before you know it!

To find one of these dealers, do your research early. You’ll more than likely be able to also see their inventories, which will allow you to plan your budget and car choices ahead of time. The goal is efficiency here for everyone!

4. There isn’t Enough Wiggle Room for Dealers

With our market constantly changing due to post-COVID circumstances, you’ll find that dealerships just don’t have the flexibility to hand out deals as they once did. Car salesmen have to still make a profit for their companies, which means they’ll hold out as long as they can with customers and won’t take negotiations that don’t benefit them.

Instead of becoming frustrated by this, you can use it to your advantage by finding the best deals for yourself beforehand. This can include anything like setting up loans and finance plans before you head to the dealer, or even saving more so you can put forth a better downpayment.

What can CARite do for you?

Because CARite is a fixed pricing car dealer, you can guarantee that you’ll get the best prices out there on the market with full transparency to every part of your transaction. CARite also maintains market pricing – despite cars being up 30% – which means that we’re working to always benefit you.

We understand that buying a car can already be enough of a daunting task, so we created our pricing format to streamline the process for you even more. By buying with us, you’ll get all of your questions answered up front and will know why each part of your finance plan is priced a specific number.

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