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4 Best Strategies for Memorial Day Car Shoppers

Memorial Day weekend sparks the beginning of summer, fun at the beaches, and for many: car buying. This holiday has become notorious for having the best car deals of the year, but the 2021 season will look a bit different as many dealerships and buyers will have to strategize around a post-Covid economy. This means that if deals were easy to get in the past, they might be harder this year, so you’ll want to prepare for this early on with new tricks.

If you know you’ll be one the people visiting a car dealership this weekend, don’t forget to do your research first and take along our best tips below to reference. You never know – you might end up getting a better deal than anyone around!

4 New Ways to Get the Best Memorial Day Deal

Don’t Choose Just Any Financial Option

Some people get so excited by their great car deal that they rush through the financing process and choose whatever the dealership will give them. Even if you know that you’ll be saving some money on your new car, choose your finance option wisely as it will affect your budget and lifestyle for the years you are contracted for.

Before heading to a dealership, consider your budget and do research about what finance options are available to you. We’ve compiled a list of our favorite finance tips that you can check out [INSERT FINANCE OPTIONS BLOG LINK].

Don’t Expect Incentives

A big part of what attracts people to a Memorial Day car sale is incentives. It’s already been found that dealerships have cut down on these major deals significantly this year, so don’t go in expecting a flashy discount on top of an already good deal.

To compensate for this, research the dealerships you’re planning on visiting and don’t be afraid to ask questions. By doing this, you might get find that there is a discount or offer that isn’t being advertised in print!

Have More Than One Option

When car buyers go Memorial Day shopping, they generally have tunnel vision about what they want to purchase. This means that they’ll usually look into getting something that’s inefficient and out of their budget, like a sports car or large SUV meant for summer trips that you might go on twice a year. Instead of impulse buying, you’ll want to create a logical list of a few different cars that will be affordable and a great long-term investment for your lifestyle.

To narrow down your search, think about the type of car you’d like to get, such as a sedan, truck, or SUV, and then create your list from there. Dealerships like Honda, Ford, and Subaru, and even smaller ones, have many options depending on what you want so it all depends on you making the right decision for yourself.

Shop Outside of Your Vicinity

We know that we always encourage our customers to start their car buying journey locally, but this is one of those rare exceptions not to. The best part about this is that you don’t have to limit yourself from city to city or choose to just visit different counties. If it’s possible for you, we advise you to even drive to a different state if you have to, to make sure you get your dream car!

There are many people who will want to stick close to home and will pay any price for that simplicity. Car dealerships are entirely aware of this. To start, you’ll want to search online and see the sales going on outside of your metro area. By doing this, you’ll be able to plan your trip properly and you’ll be able to get a great deal that. others didn’t want to put in much effort for!

Do it the CARite Way

CARite will be able to help you with of your needs all through Memorial Day weekend, just like always. We know that many of you are already planning what you’d like to buy and are getting your budgets together, so we want to be there for you to make your next car purchase as easy and painless as possible.

Because it’s going to be a different Memorial Day weekend than the past, we encourage you to think out your plans entirely, and narrow down your strategies beforehand so you can make sure to get the car you truly want. We’ll be here waiting!

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